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Türkiye’s New Airbnb Law and Tax Regulations

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New Airbnb Law in Turkey: What You Need to Know

The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism has introduced a new law regarding short-term rental homes in Turkey. Once this law is enacted, homeowners who want to rent their properties on platforms like Airbnb will need to obtain a "tourism house" certificate from the Ministry of Tourism. The law also brings changes to tax regulations.

Short-Term Rental Status:

Under the new law, all rentals for periods less than 100 days are classified as short-term rentals. Homeowners must obtain a "tourism house" certificate to rent such properties on Airbnb. Rentals exceeding 100 days in a single period are not subject to this law.

What Is a Tourism House Certificate?

The Tourism House Certificate is required for short-term rentals lasting less than 100 days. This certificate is essential for Airbnb rentals, and without it, short-term rentals cannot be conducted.

Issuing the Tourism House Certificate:

Currently, the certificate is issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. There is a provision that allows provincial governorships to issue the certificate, but this is yet to be clarified.

Requirements for Obtaining a Tourism House Certificate:

  • For apartments: Unanimous approval from all property owners in the building.

  • For residential complexes: Unanimous approval from property owners in the building where the rental apartment is located.

  • Application to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism by the title owner.

Penalties for Non-Compliance:

Homeowners who rent their properties without a Tourism House Certificate will face penalties. The first offense incurs a fine of 100,000 TL, and subsequent violations can result in fines up to 1,000,000 TL.

Displaying the Tourism House Plate:

Apartments with the Tourism House Certificate must display a tourism house plate at their entrance. Failure to do so will lead to monetary fines.

Effective Date:

The new Airbnb law is set to take effect after January 1, 2024.

Airbnb Tax Regulations:

After the law is enacted, homeowners will be required to obtain a certified certificate from the Ministry of Tourism to rent their homes on Airbnb. Additional tax obligations may apply.

For comprehensive details on Airbnb tax regulations in Turkey, it's important to stay informed and ensure you comply with the law.

Remember, adhering to Airbnb tax and other legal obligations is crucial to operate smoothly as an Airbnb host in Turkey.

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